Brian entered Ohio University in the Fall of 2007. He's in the Honors Tutorial College with a journalism major. Prof. Tom Hodson, director of the E.W. Scripps School of Journalism, interviewed Brian prior to a basketball game at Ohio University.
Q: With what local media are you involved and in what capacity?
A: In Athens, I am involved with WOUB, the tv/radio station right on campus. Here, I have done morning sports updates and reported at some local high school games, including a regional basketball game and a state semifinal volleyball game. In the winter, I worked with Tom Hodson as the color commentator/statistician for the Ohio women’s basketball team. I worked at all of the home games, and I made three road trips at the end of the season to Akron, Kent State, and Miami.
I also have begun working for WATH, another radio station just a few minutes off of campus. Here, I have filled in for Jimmy Smith as the co-host of The SportsFan, a sports talk show from 6-7 every weeknight. When I was on the show, I worked with Caleb Troop, the other regular co-host. Also, I am working for WATH as a play-by-play commentator for its broadcasts of the Ohio baseball team’s conference games. I have already traveled to Central Michigan, and I will also be heading to Toledo and Akron before the season is over.
In addition to these two stations, I will be contributing regularly to a new sports blogging Web site. The university has approved the website, and we will begin writing on it sometime during spring quarter. My role will be to blog about a few of Ohio’s sports teams, such as the women’s basketball team and the baseball team.
Finally, over the summer, I will be the media relations director of the Southern Ohio Copperheads. My role will be to manage a staff of writers and web designers and to do the play-by-play broadcasts of all of their road games.
Q: How would you rate your opportunities to engage in “sports journalism” as a first-year student at Scripps? Explain.
A: Before coming to Ohio University and to Scripps, I had very little journalism experience. I had been the sports editor of my school newspaper and had covered my high school’s football team, but these jobs did not offer much preparation. Despite my lack of experience, I jumped right in at WOUB. By the end of fall quarter, I was covering a few games around the Athens area. Once winter quarter began, I was cleared for morning radio, and I was continuing to report some games.
As for WATH, I have been working for them since the middle of winter quarter. In that short time, I have already done many broadcasts. I also received my internship with the Copperheads from the general manager of the organization and of WATH, Dave Palmer.
Thus, I would say that my opportunities as a first-year student have exceeded my expectations. I am truly fortunate to have had so many chances so early in my journalism career.
Q: How have you been able to juggle your academic commitments and your sports journalism commitments?
A: As a freshman here at Ohio University, I have had many responsibilities, whether it is classwork, journalism commitments, or my social life. However, if you are a responsible, hard-working person, you can handle the large workload. The key for me is to stay organized. It does not matter how you accomplish this, as long as you do it. Organization is critical as a journalist and as a student. The Scripps school will push you, but as long as you have some push as well, you can handle it.
Q: Indicate how your sports journalism experience during your first-year will help you with future internships.
A: My experience with WOUB and WATH already helped me get an internship with the Copperheads for this summer, so my experience is already helping me. As I move forward in my collegiate career, my experiences should help me get even better internships down the road.
Q: Are you happy that you decided to come to the Scripps School? Are you getting what you were promised? If so, how?
A: I am thrilled with my decision to come to the Scripps School. I have already completed five journalism classes in just two quarters of time here in Athens, and I have engulfed myself in a few media outlets around the area. This school promised me journalism classes as a freshman and opportunities to put my knowledge to work outside of the classroom, and Scripps has definitely delivered. I can confidently say that this school is the place for me.
Q: Are you getting adequate academic and career advice?
A: I have gotten advice from many people, including Dave Palmer (GM of the Copperheads and WATH/WXTQ) and Tom Hodson (the Director of the Scripps School). After all of the success they have had, I know that I am getting great advice every time I ask them a question. My extensive interaction with them, along with all of my journalism teachers, has helped me as I try to find a role within the sports community of Athens. Working with Dave Palmer on a weekly basis and having two classes with Tom Hodson, along with the broadcasts we have done together, have been extremely beneficial to me.
EDITIOR'S NOTE: This interview is part of a series on the freshman experience in the E.W. Scripps School of Journalism, Ohio University.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Brian Boesch interview:
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5:24 PM
TAG(s): Brian Boesch, freshman experience, sports journalism
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